The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116223 Message #2494920
Posted By: M.Ted
16-Nov-08 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: Artists' personal lives-public latitude
Subject: RE: Artists' personal lives-public latitude
There is a view that Mr. McIsaac is simply pursuing the "any publicity is good publicity" idea, also known as "The Spears/ Lohan Principle". Appalling behavior in conspicuously public situations always gets noticed.
His problem is that "bad girl" headlines and cover photos sell "People", "US", and our beloved "National Enquirer", whereas "bad boys" don't get written up anymore unless they buy the farm. None of us want to see that, of course.
Speaking for myself, I'd prefer that he forget about "rapping", ranting, and pop fusion music, and flashing his privates, and focus on the traditional music that he knows and does best. Apparently, even here at Mudcat, that is a minority view;-)