The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99833   Message #2495386
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
16-Nov-08 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Singarounds - optimum number of people?
Subject: RE: Singarounds - optimum number of people?
"In other threads discussing singarounds, people have said how great it is that everyone can have a go, regardless of how good / bad they are, and I agree."

I beg to differ! You can't expect beginners to be wonderful 'straight out of the box' but people who are still singing from an A4 folder, still can't sing in tune, still have no sense of rhythm and cannot interpret a song after a year or more are obviously not putting any effort into it, are a pain in the arse, and should be discouraged!!

For about 10 years I attended a singaround where the level of technical skill varied a bit but every singer pulled his/her weight. We were all enthusiastic about the songs and every singer could put a song over, make it enjoyable and spur the other members of the group on to greater efforts.

Many singarounds I go to now are made hideous and embarrassing by selfish and lazy 'no hopers' who think they've got some sort of right to dominate proceedings no matter how awful they are. Frankly, I'm sick to death of crap!!