The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115435   Message #2496219
Posted By: Cluin
17-Nov-08 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
Doing shit behind closed doors was what lost the Liberals their #1 spot in Ought Six. I am with Bob on this move.

Little Hawk is right about The Bloc. Though lots of people question the "appropriateness" of a federal party which is anti-federal and doesn't run for seats across Canada, it's somewhat good for the rest of Canada. Though it gets Quebec's issues brought forth in the House, and provides Duceppe with a bargaining chip for alliances come MP votin' time, it really does Quebec out of their trad bit of leverage in the Federal elections.

As long as Quebeckers vote as a block for the Bloc, they don't get to decide which party forms our government, like they used to with their 75 seats (second only to Ontario's 106). Quebec usually voted almost unilaterally behind one party or another, swinging elections and putting in majority governments.

The Bloc will never form a government party; the best it can hope for is Official Opposition (in a set of freaky deaky circumstances) or as moody little brother of a coalition . They have effectively taken themselves out of the equation with the Bloc, re: electing the government. The government is decided by the rest of the provinces... especially Ontario, though that province is quite balkanized in its party support.