The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116310   Message #2496976
Posted By: Banjiman
18-Nov-08 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: How traditional should it be?
Subject: RE: How traditional should it be?
You get turned down for all sorts of given reasons (not all of them rational; too trad, not trad enough, not established enough, not local enough, not English sounding enough..... ).

You just have to learn to enjoy this as part of the rich tapestry that are British Folk Clubs and accept that not everyone is going to book you however well you went down!

That was spoken from the point of view of someone trying to get gigs for both our band and my other half.

With my folk club organisers hat on I would find it impossible to fit in everyone who wants a gig....... how do you politely turn people down?

You have an idea of what sort of programme you want to put on over a year (balance of new/ established acts, trad/ contemporary, male/ female) and then someone comes along and although they are good you know you can't fit them in........