The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116323   Message #2497248
Posted By: Bobert
18-Nov-08 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Subject: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Yeah, now it's the Big Three... Next thing it will be Walmart with it's hat in hand... Heck, Wall Street has allready riped US off for $250B... $250B, BTW, ain't chump change...

But what makes this ol' hillbilly mad as mad can be is that what this seems to be is the corportists last money grab before the Dems take over and figure this thing out... Which they will do... Hopefully, we can stop the bleeding right now... No more!!! No mas!!!

This ain't nothin' but more "trickle down" economics... This is the last hooray for the Reaganists...

If the US wants to help Wall Street or Main Street it needs to use whatever money they have to create help to the working class... Rateher than give GM or Ford the dough, why not assit the working class in being able to purchase new cars???

(But that is socialism, Bobertdz...)

Well, given it away to the rich ain't???

No matter which corporation comes beggin', which BTW will be every one of them until we say "no", if we subsidize the working class which has been losing its ability to keep up for the last 3 decades, we will not only be helping the corportaions indirectly but we will also be helping Joe Sixpack who needs the help alot more...

Convince me I am wrong...
