The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116323   Message #2497330
Posted By: Rapparee
18-Nov-08 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Subject: RE: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Pinkos, the lot of ya. New Dealer commie hippie pinko free-love bohemian Marxist beatnik socialist Trotskyites! Next thing you'll want to regulate the banks and airlines and put air quality regulations into effect and ban the use of machine guns in rabbit hunting! And you know what that leads to: promoting the general welfare, which means turning the US of A into a WELFARE STATE!! Remember, you can't spell Communism without UN, because then it would be Commism, so let's get the US out of NATO and NASA and Texas NOW!!! Because you can't spell Texas without an X, and we dumped the Teas into Boston Harbor back in 1918 or sometime around there! So wrap your puttees and grab your Krags and lets teach them UnAmerican pinko Tongans a lesson or three!