The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110923   Message #2497333
Posted By: Booklynrose
18-Nov-08 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Gathering at Eisteddfod-NY
Subject: RE: Mudcat Gathering at Eisteddfod-NY
I really enjoyed a workshop on songs of New York State with Colleen Cleveland, Jeff Davis, Barry O'Neill, Dave Ruch, & George Ward. Many of them have performed together in other venues. What depth of knowledge they shared: low key presentations, very very good singing, and a range of types of songs.
    A very interesting workshop featured Pat Conte, Norris Bennett, and Bill and Livia Vanaver; these people had not appeared with one another before. They began trading ideas and built into a really sizzling exchange of music and exposition of ideas, including some discussion of why they played certain songs in certain ways.
    Anni Fentiman and Dave Webber had been at Pinewoods Camp, and I believe will direct Folk Music Week in 2009. They sing wonderful harmonies, know zillions of traditional songs and create songs that are becoming part of our tradition.
    If you have not heard Colleen Cleveland sing, run, do not walk, to her next performance. She is a really really superlative singer.
    Norris Bennett is also an amazing singer & instrumentalist.
    I did not mention John Roberts & Tony Barrand. You know how good they are.
    Because Eisteddfod is so small, even intimate, we had the opportunity to interact with the performers, and all of those I just mentioned seem to be very nice people.
      This was an amazing festival.