The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116323   Message #2497985
Posted By: Bobert
19-Nov-08 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Subject: RE: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Well, I been out playing "Joe ther Plumber" all day workin' in a crawl space of a 200 year old building in filth and dust and dead stuff and I ain't no spring chicken and so I doubly pissed off tonight at the thought of my taxes going, yet agian, to the corporatists... I hate them... They are the enemy... They make me rething my position on capiatl punishment...

But forget them fir a minute...

We ain't got a credit crisis... We have a *****wage crisis****!!!

Why prop up any industry when the American worker is slammed tapped out and can't buy squat??? This is the problem... Unless we figure a way to get some of the bucks back in the poskets of the working man who has undergone a 30 year fleecing, then we ain't gonna fix jack!!!


No more bailouts!!! We've allready run $300B thru the shreader...
