The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2498568
Posted By: olddude
20-Nov-08 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
From what I see going back through the posts, many people are trying to appeal him to change. Now if he does or not that really is his decision. I only hope he does, it would be nice to be able to discuss with him a poem that is worth the time to read. A person will do what they want I guess, I cannot in honesty fault the negative feedback . The people here that said the harsh things are very good people just outraged. I wish David would take my advice and that of others. It would be nice to have a conversation on his work that was positive and productive to him. I completely understand the reaction. It is very hard for me to hold back . I find the intolerance unacceptable. I would hope we can help him to change his thinking and strive for work that will enrich others lives as art is meant to do. I bet the reaction would be one of encouragement as I see all mudcatter do for everyone in this community. Some people will not change and then we can only say we tried. Some will take the advice and really think about what they said and how it hurts. I hope the second case is true. I would love to see him change for the better with a work that we could review and encourage.