The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116323   Message #2499691
Posted By: Bobert
21-Nov-08 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Subject: RE: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Big Three, my butt, Dougie!!!

I mean, let's get real here... The $700B bailout package came right outta the Bush administration... They used the same fear tactics as they used to sell the Iraq War...

So the Dems buckled under for the PR onslaught...

Now that half the $700B is gone with nothin' to show for it the Dems are going, "Hey, wait a minute... Do we have any say in this???"...

Yeah, I don't much blame them as much as I blame Bush and his folks for perpertrating this kinda "trickle down" bailout on the country... It's like the Repubs last money grab on their way out and they are grabbin' it if fist-fulls...

You have this one wrong, Dougie...
