The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116323   Message #2499755
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Nov-08 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Subject: RE: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Doug, I think you're mistaken about the bloated wages being the problem, because I just read an analysis in the Canadian press yesterday and it said that American auto workers are paid comparatively less in real terms than either the Japanese or European auto workers, while the American auto management people are paid a lot more. The reason your auto industry is in bad shape is because it's producing a low quality product that is out of sync with the times, I think.

Your government has to regulate your private industries now, because your private industres have not behaved in a responsible fashion. They have acted so as to enrich only their own management people and a few major shareholders and have done it in such an irresponsible way that they have in effect wrecked your entire economy and put the whole world's economy in peril.

Do you know why you have laws and regulations in a society at all, Doug? Because when you don't, criminals run hogwild and rob society at will. Without a government in place that's what happens. The government is NOT your enemy, Doug, it's the single and only source of every single law and regulations that protect you and your children every day of your lives. It's the source of your Constitution. It's the source of your Bill of Rights.

Without it you simply have moral anarchy...survival of the fittest (meaning: the richest) at the expense of the rest. Rule by business mafias for their own personal gain. That appears to be what the neocon movement wished to create. Well, I wish them no luck in that effort. Their philosophy is totally irresponsible and corrupt. It's the stupidest thing I've seen since Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.