The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2499916
Posted By: Bobert
22-Nov-08 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Well, like Amos said... The guy ain't even in office and folks are allready tryin' to drum him out...

I will say this, however... With the mess the current crooks are leaving there's gonna be one heck of alot of cleaning up before thinking about throwing another party... That is reality...

But to place blame where blame is due it isn't just the current crop but every administration going back to the beginning of this mess which mean Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and now Bush II when the fox was placed in charge of guarding the hen house...

So I predict that it will take a good portion of Obama's first term just to create some stability in the markets and find that right amount of regulation that doesn't smoother business yet doesn't let it run wide open... On a truck that is called a "governor"... What a novel concept...

As fir the criticism that Obama is surrounding himself with veterans, I don't think that is fair... I mean, lets get real... Would he surround himself with mere idealogues like Bush II has done??? You want folks who at least understand how these departments work/don't work... Then you change the mission incrimentally until they reflect yer ideals... There is no other practical way of governing...
