The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4551 Message #25000
Posted By: Bruce O.
02-Apr-98 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Irish folk songs
Subject: RE: irish folk songs
Is "Mo Ghile Mear" an Irish or Scottish 'Jacobite' song. My history of that period 1745-6 isn't too good, what did the Irish have to do with Bonny Prince Charlie's uprising. In what work and when did this 'Jacobite' song, "Mo Ghile Mear" first appear? This seems to me to be an immitation of "The Blackbird". That 'Irish Jacobite' song, supposedly about Bonny Prince Charlie, is on my website with its 17th century English tune and the later Irish (actually Scottish) tune, under "Blackbird" or "The Ladies Lamentation".