The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2500390
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
22-Nov-08 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
my CD

One suspects, Wavy that that should actually be CD-R - which is to say R for recordable - those things you run off on your computer for a minimal outlay and which are, in any case, a very different beast to your actual CD. Be careful with your trades descriptions, or else misleading your public as to what they're actually buying (much less buying into) at a rather hefty £8 a throw...

I find it intriguing that the focus here is ENGLISH

This is because Wavy is a naturalised AUSTRALIAN who has fabricated a fantasy of Englishness based on a set of anachronistic & otherwise risible clichés designed solely to demonstrate his hostility to immigrant cultures which he perceives as posing a threat to Our Own Good Culture as he has defined it. He has no understanding of the regional diversities and identities (much less those of a socio-economic nature) which are the defining attributes of the realities of English, and indeed British, culture which is ultimately composed of innumerable elements any one of which being as crucial to an appreciation of the whole as any of the individuals who populate this England of ours. That this cultural identity exists in a state of constant & inevitable flux is not something our ultra-reactionary friend can stomach, feeling as he does that England was a more English place 50 years ago and choosing, therefore, to make his home in the most English region of England according to this evidently racist criteria. This is not so much a matter of name-calling as it is one of naming, and defining, indeed of outing him as the malicious malcontent we know him to be on account of the material he publishes to promote his ultra-right wing political convictions that have brought him in recent years to both Folk Music, and to this Forum, where, all things considered, he gets a fair hearing given his incessant trolling and arrogant self-aggrandisement.