The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #791   Message #2500773
Posted By: Genie
23-Nov-08 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Inverey / The Baron o' Brackley
Subject: Lyric Add: Inverey (Hall and MacGregor)
This is the version, called "Inverey," from Robin Hall and Jimmie MacGregor's "Two Heids Are Better Than Yin" album. (Robin sang it.)

It's a bit shorter than some other versions.   Anyway I'm kind of partial to this version.


(as recorded by Robin Hall and Jimmie MacGregor
Album: Two Heids Are Better Than Yin, 1962)

Doon Deeside cam' Inverey whistlin' and playin'

And he was at Brackley's yetts ere the day was dawin'.
"Oh, are ye there, Brackley, and are ye within? 

There's shairp swords are at your yetts, will gar your bluid spin."

"Then rise up, my baron, and turn back your kye,

For the lads fae Drumwharron are driving them by."
"Oh how can I rise up and how can I gang?
For where I hae a man I am sure they hae ten."

"Then rise up, Betsy Gordon, and gie me my gun,
And tho I gang oot, love, sure I'll never return.
Come, kiss me, my Betsy, nor think I'm tae blame,

But against three and thirty, wae is me what is ain."

When Brackley was mounted and he rade on his horse,
A bonnier baron ne'er rade ower a course.
Twa gallanter Gordons did never sword draw,
"But against three and thirty, wae is me what is twa."

Wi' their dirks an' their swords they did him surroond.

They've killed bonny Brackley wi' monys the wound.
Fae the heid o' the Dee, tae the sides of the Spey

The Gordons will mourn him and bann Inverey.

"Oh come ye by Brackley or come ye by here?

Saw ye his guid lady a-tearin' her hair?"
"Oh I come by Brackley's yetts and I come by here

And I saw his guid lady, she was makin' good cheer.

"She was rantin' an' dancin' an' singin' for joy.

She vowed that very night she would feast Inverey!

She laughed wi' him, danced wi' him, welcomed him ben.

She was kind till the villain tha' hae slain her guid man."

Through hedges and ditches ye canna be sure.

Through the wuids o' Glentower* ye maun slap in an oor.

Then up spak' the babe on his nanny's knee,

"It's afore I'm a man, avenged I'll be."

*Robin Hall sang "Glentower," though the actual place referred to seems to be "Glentanar."