The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115387   Message #2501643
Posted By: Richard Bridge
25-Nov-08 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Maybe Song Ssn Stoke N Kent Sun 28 Dec?
Subject: RE: Maybe Song Ssn Stoke N Kent Sun 28 Dec?
Peter the landlord has just shown me the beer list - I ahve asked him to go away and get details of teh "seasonal special" (which I expect will be the Sheps winter warmer or Xmas Ale) and teh "microbrewery special ale" which MIGHT be something form the Nelson Brewery.

Now our attendance list (of beer drinkers) might be

Carrie (if you think the film was scary, watch her drink)
Maybe her oppo Clive
Little Legs (aka Wee Jock)
Essex Girl
Kev the Clogs
The Barden of England (on shandy)
Brian Rodgers
Mumblin Len (if fit) and Girl Friday and maybe a Leopard Cub.
Graham "plunk" Anstee
Sue and Tony Urwin
Virginia and her Tams
Possibly MGAS and Richard Atkins
Naughty 40 (and that is only her bra size)
Romany Man
Dipsodeb and Pat (wonderful harp player)
Dead Horse (shame he sings) and maybe Mrs Dead Horse
Folksinger 54 (if we are lucky)
Fisheye and George

Allow a quarter for no-shows, that makes 21 folking drinkers at 3 pints each makes 63 pints of real ale = nearly 8 gallons = a small barrel, not just a box.

Shall I tell Peter the landlord that - as planned consumption - or more, or less? And given the above do we have a view as to the preferred nature of the brew or what?