The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116467   Message #2501656
Posted By: GUEST
25-Nov-08 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Subject: RE: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Richard - you've done it again ... "Marian Button - former NATS winner - book her now before it is too late "

You made a comment like that on a previous thread, and I raised with you then the fact that it was not a very gentlemanly thing to be doing. Marian is very much with us, and is not likely to be shuffling off this mortal coil in the near future. It's not a very flattering thing to hear that you're so long in the tooth that you're not going to be around much longer ... I know she wasn't happy about it last time!! Oh, and incidentally, what on earth are you rabbiting on about "persons of gender" ... do you mean of the female gender ? And what is that guff you're spoutiing about male/female conditioning?? I was brought up to do things to the best my ability, and to strive to be the best I could, as were most of the women I studied with and worked with... and some of them were incredibly hard nuts, and incredibly successful tax inspectors ... not an area where weak wilting wallflowers survived.

As to the idea of "wishing to present themselves as a star" ... amongst the singers or indeed musicians that I know, the stardom factor doesn't present itself as a major factor. What does is a driving need to stand up, sing the songs or play the music that they love, and share their music with others ... not the same thing by any means .. although the aspect of ego is bound to come into it. Something I didn't actually acknowledge until a few years ago.

And as for your last sentence ... well I'm speechless!! I really hope that this doesn't portray your own personal opinions, as it looks as though you're suggesting that ladies of the less than beautiful persuasion shouldn't be booked purely on the grounds of their looks alone. Strikes me that I won't stand a chance!! I started performing in public late in life ... and was warned by a fellow singer about 6 years ago that neither of us stood a chance in competition with sweet young things with pretty faces and cute behinds, and sweet breathy voices - looks from your comments as though that may be the case.