The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116467   Message #2501693
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
25-Nov-08 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Subject: RE: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
'And as for your last sentence ... well I'm speechless!! I really hope that this doesn't portray your own personal opinions, as it looks as though you're suggesting that ladies of the less than beautiful persuasion shouldn't be booked purely on the grounds of their looks alone. Strikes me that I won't stand a chance!! I started performing in public late in life ... and was warned by a fellow singer about 6 years ago that neither of us stood a chance in competition with sweet young things with pretty faces and cute behinds, and sweet breathy voices - looks from your comments as though that may be the case.'

This woman has a point.

Book someone ugly for your club!

It is high time that really repulsive people were given a fair crack of the whip. As you are all aware, there is an EEC 'complete dog' mountain of folksingers - male and female. There are generous subsidies available, along with aftercare programmes for audiences who are sensitive and of a nervous disposition, and paper bags to put over the heads of more extreme cases.

These are people who are all alone with not even a place in your wildest fantasies - not even at Christmas. My phone number is on the website.

big al