The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116467   Message #2502432
Posted By: Rasener
26-Nov-08 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Subject: RE: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
I would imagine that it must be quite daunting for a female to go and perform on her own at a club that may be all men. Unless of course the female is pretty outward going.
The other problem is who puts a female up, if it is required. It needs to be either a safe house that the organiser trusts implicitally or B&B
I still think it is pretty difficult for a female to go anywhere on her own, without blokes thinking that she is fair game.
I don't think men on there own have the same problems.

Maybe I am wrong in what I think above, but I think its very important for club organisers to make sure that the female performer is as much as possible in a safe and freindly environment at all times.

OK now I suppose I will get flack from all the women who say they can look after them selves and don't need blokes being a gentleman.

Les gets his tin hat on and bullet proof vest and waits for the flack