The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2502619
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
27-Nov-08 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
My dogs know the routine when we're going to go for a walk, and it is intentional because they wear a special radio collar to keep them in the yard (they stay in the fenced back yard, but if I let them through the gate to the front, there is no fence, just this radio signal). If the hat isn't on and the fanny pack and the leashes in place, etc. then they won't go near the line at the one place where we cross (after their collars are off and I've also said the magic word to let them through).

They love this ritual, and have figured out others "steps" I never thought to build in. When I sit down on the loveseat by the glass door with shoes and socks in hand, they get all excited. If I put my hat on, they're pretty sure they're leaving the yard, and if the pack is in place, they're practically doing cartwheels. But the socks and shoes are something they picked up on without it being part of the ritual I set in place, it's just one of those body language things they learned to read and it can really set them off in happy galavanting around the yard till I'm ready to go outside.