The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116467   Message #2502720
Posted By: Mrs Scarecrow
27-Nov-08 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Subject: RE: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
I think pushiness is how gigs are got and most women (myself   included) dont like to seem pushy. I also think looks are an issue for women where they are not for men and age may well be as well.
As a female performer, both on my own and as part of a dua I am often conscious that there seem to be far fewer women around. I am also aware that there are a number of women out there sitting in audiences singing along with perfectly lovely voices,(I for one do particulary love to hear other women sing), but they hate the very idea of getting up in front of an audience to sing. I dont know why this is but it seems to be far more prevelant amongst women whereas men who quite frankly do not sing very well do not seem to let that stop them.