The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116467   Message #2503043
Posted By: Banjiman
27-Nov-08 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Subject: RE: Harder for the ladies to get gigs???
Tabster says: "I'm useless at contacting organisers and asking for gigs. It doesn't take much of a slight hint of rejection and I stop. I'm not sure it's a straightforward male/female thing,"

It may not be a straight forward male/ female thing but as a club organiser it's overwhelmingly the men who you have to be really (completely and utterly) straight with if you don't want to book them just now.....and who sometimes don't seem to quite believe the club will survive without them! I've never had this attitude from a female act.

By the way, I'm in no way anti-men (I am one, obviously) or male acts. Just observing human behaviour.
