The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4581   Message #25031
Posted By: Frank in the swamps
03-Apr-98 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: blues lyrics meanings
Subject: RE: blues lyrics
Watch out for them Jelly roll songs, they'll get your red beans cookin'.

There was a recent thread about Leadbelly's "when I was a cowboy" that referred to throwing your jelly out the window if your house is burning down. I think it's wise to assume a certain looseness in the meaning of metaphors, it's in their nature after all to be left-handed (heh, heh). "Easy rider" is a good example, it's been used to refer to a part time lover man, and I've also heard that it was a sarcastic reference to "riding the rods" a hobo trick of riding the freight trains by placing a board across supports beneath a freight train, lying on it and holding on for dear life. It was a good way to ride without being caught, but terribly dangerous. Hence an "easy ride". This might also be "riding the blinds" I dunno.
