The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116395   Message #2503408
Posted By: Paul Burke
28-Nov-08 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: neo-fascist-folk, please illuminate.
Subject: RE: neo-fascist-folk, please illuminate.
It also means that attacking it head on, waving red banners and screaming Nazi, is almost certainly not the way to deal with it. Their support is largely a protest against political disenfanchisement- they are represented by no mainstream party. The left was destroyed as an alternative by Thatcher, Blair and almost as much by the (usually very middle class) fringe left parties of the 70s/80s. What sensible person would want to associate with the SWP, IMG, WRP? They partially agree with the BNP story: after all, don't the daily papers tell them that there's too much immigration, blacks shoot each other over drugs, Asians are all jihadists etc? The vast majority would personally never harm anyone unless provoked, and like the communists of the 1930s they don't believe that the party's core is rotten.

If that seems naive, remember that many of us celebrated the triumph of the insurgents in Southeast Asia- until we had Pol Pot rubbed in our faces.

Back in the 70s, the support of famous names like James Hunt (Formula 1 champion) and Buster Mottram (another Brit who didn't win Wimbledon) couldn't make the National Front respectable, because of its overt fascism. The BNP are much harder because they are careful to keep the real agenda hidden, and decent folk can be taken in by the populism on show. They wouldn't REALLY make Jews wear yellow stars, would they?

What this means for music is hard to ascertain. Trad folk is mostly irrelevant in East Derbyshire, not many people listen to it. Country music is quite popular, pub rock and 50s/60s/70s pop nostalgia far more so, and I suspect that the BNP target those fields already. As WLD says, it would take a brave (and resourceful) musician to take on some of the pubs/ clubs in the area with any message that could offend some local heavy.