The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116395   Message #2503430
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
28-Nov-08 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: neo-fascist-folk, please illuminate.
Subject: RE: neo-fascist-folk, please illuminate.
""especially when someone tries to equate the evil of fascism with homosexuality and uses the unbelievable throwaway line that they're both OK as long as the adherants don't try to "recruit" others.""

Thank you Diane, for showing once again, that you respond to posts without really reading them.

In no way did I, even inadvertently, equate Fascism with Homosexuality. Nor did I say they were both OK.
I said that similar suggestions were voiced and that the idea of banning was rejected.
That is not the same as equating the two.

I consider carefully how I make a point, and I do NOT use throwaway lines.

In the case of Homosexuality, my opinion is that it is none of my business, unless a pass is made, and that ain't gonna happen because they have no interest in "straights".

In the case of Fascism, Nazism, Communism, etc., my opinion is that they are equally abhorrent, equally dangerous, and equally insidious, but I still have reservations about starting down that very dangerous road, of banning those with whom we disagree.

It has never been successful in improving the situation, and whenever it has been tried, has always gone much too far.

Don T