The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116550 Message #2503443
Posted By: Johnny J
28-Nov-08 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: Getting Gigs in the UK
Subject: RE: Getting Gigs in the UK
Sorry if my remark sounded a bit flippant but it's basically true.
There are openings and opportunities in The UK. However, form my own experience of helping to organise gigs and from what I've observed over many, many years I'd like to make the following points...
Firstly, you would probably best to contact the smaller clubs especially those which have a more adventurous booking policy. The larger clubs tend to need "bums on seats" and would be less inclined to book an unknown quantity although they might consider doing so if looking for a support(paid or unpaid).
This brings me to my next point. I'm afraid you'll also have be prepared to visit several clubs and offer to do a few unpaid spots to get yourself known. Have a wee holiday over here and approach a few clubs re this. That way, you'll get your name known a little more and "word of mouth" between different organisers counts a lot when future bookings are being considered.
Of course, if you can manage a few paid gigs that's a bonus and there will be possibilities. Smaller clubs in our area(Edinburgh), for instance, would include The Wee Folk Club and Leith. The latter would almost certainly consider you for a support as would The Edinburgh Folk Club I'm sure.
There's also other types of clubs and acoustic music venues which are not connected with the so called folk scene. Singer songwriting clubs also exist such as "Out of the bedroom" in Edinburgh but these will be everywhere. So, why not spread your wings a bit further?
There's also several organisations who promote folk and roots concerts on a regular basis. These aren't folk clubs although they're mainly run by enthusiasts too. They will also be interested in seeking out support acts.
Of course, there's a lot of hard work involved in contatcing all these organsiations, sending out publicity, CD samples etc but I hope my thoughts have been of some help.