The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116573   Message #2503820
Posted By: JedMarum
28-Nov-08 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Subject: RE: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
I do not understand all the hatred for and venom spewed on Sarah Palin. And this typically comes from people who think themselves enlightened and open minded; caring, sensitive people.

It reminds me of the high school cheerleaders who thought it was OK to tear up some freshman girls because they had yet to develop - or make fun of the skinny, pimple faced boys because they were "geeks."

Why is it OK to treat people with disdain, derision and ridicule simply because we don't like their politics? Why don't we have the balls and the decency to argue the merits of our differences rather then shit on the character?