The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116550   Message #2503925
Posted By: Betsy
28-Nov-08 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: Getting Gigs in the UK
Subject: RE: Getting Gigs in the UK
This is a nice thread - Bernard and WLD have compressed the reasons why most of it isn't THAT easy.
The fact of the matter is getting Gigs in the UK is not as easy as one would wish as there is already an amazing amount of indigenous talent around.
There are more talented performers (pro rata)now in the UK than there were when (say) Paul Simon came scrounging bookings in the 60's.
I say "scrounging" in the nicest way, because lots of singers at the beginning of the revival had to "sell" themselves.
We have lots of discussions on Mudcat about what is , and isn't Folk , but at the end of the day it often to leads us the conclusion that ................
Best of luck anyhow.