The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116550   Message #2503983
Posted By: Barry Finn
29-Nov-08 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Getting Gigs in the UK
Subject: RE: Getting Gigs in the UK
Thanks Kara for starting this thread.
My partner & I (Finn & Haddie) are both trying to get bookings during late JUly, we've been booked for the Scarborough Seafest & I was going to start a thread like this myself.
Thanks Maryrrf, BB, Johnny J, Bernard, WLD & others for your postings.

Johnny J you said
"There's also several organisations who promote folk and roots concerts on a regular basis. These aren't folk clubs although they're mainly run by enthusiasts too."
Could you expand on that?

"grab the audience by the throat and make them sing"
Love that

Kara, as we are not songwriters though we've written a few, more in the traditional vein & we don't do alt-folk, I don't think we'd be lookibng at competing for the same sort of venues so I hope you'll forgive me for tagging along on your thread. We do more shanties, focusing strongly on the songs from sailors of color & do prison worksongs (think chain gang)

see us at
Finn & Haddie

Finn & Haddie's MySpace

Thanks to all & any
