The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116573   Message #2504482
Posted By: Barry Finn
30-Nov-08 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Subject: RE: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Mick, what makes you believe "she's no dummy"?
And yes, Jed is a really nice guy & a really goosd songwriter, singer & musician but who's debating him?

5 schools & how many years to get a BA in journalism, please, she's not the brightest bulb on the closet ceiling, close the door on her, she's dimming fast & fading, let her go.

No, she's not someone who you'd have a beer with & she didn't get to be governor by using her intelligence. She's manipulative as a mother-fucker & quite the back stabber, a cut-throat not to mention a cheat, a liar, a vicious slanderer, rabble rouser & a complete crowd pleaser (when it's her crowd & not yours). She'll zero in at a moments notice when she see an opening in which she can take advantage of, she's a bird of prey. Have a drink with her & she'll have your wallet, coat & underwear in her purse, that once was belonged to your brother-in-law & you'll be waking up next week owing the bar bill, the hospital bill, the oil bill & back taxes, oh & that the job she had you appointed to last year, it was just unfunded while you were in a comma for the past week. She shouldn't have been a streetwalker not a mayor. Sorry, as vicious as she is, she has no place in public service, she is not & has not serviced the public she has only screwed the public to service herself. If you don't think she's vicious marry her sister or vote her into office once more & she if she'll build a hockey rink on someone else's property for your kids & she if she doesn't cost her followers & public the high price to straighten it out & ask you to suck it up afterwards. She's quick to turn her back on you & lie to your face in the next minute, we said "No thanks to your bridge to nowhere" & then pocketed the money anyway, trying to not only shift the blame but at the same time trying to take the credit too, that's not brains at work (intelligence would've have done it in a way that she could've gotten away with it) but brass balls, arrogance, utter disrespect for the people that she reresented & vile manipulation.

Sorry to hear she's put the jinks & nixon (he,he) the Coronation Street program but we'll be glad to have you keep her, don't send her back, for any reason, please.
