The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116655   Message #2506551
Posted By: Genie
03-Dec-08 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: GA Sen Chambliss - Questionable Video Ad
Subject: RE: BS: GA Sen Chambliss a pervert? (Video)
FWIW, pdq, the Dems aren't anywhere close to having a "VETO-proof majority" in either house of Congress (even if they were much in fear of Obama vetoing their bills).
You claim "Half the people in the United States are members of the GOP and deserve a voice in the federal government."
Well, stats I've heard recently say that more voters are registered Democratic than are registered Republican and that more eligible voters express a preference for the Democratic Party than for the Republican Party. And in this past election, Democratic voter registrations far outstripped Republican registrations (not counting Mickey Mouse or dead people -- I mean actual, state-issued voter registrations).   That aside, sure, the minority parties deserve a voice in government. That's one real advantage to a parliamentary system of government over our winner-take-all, 2-party system. But I sure didn't hear Ruff Limppaw or Sean InSanity or the other right wing talking heads sounding off about how important it was for "the other half" to have a voice in government when their side "won" 2 consecutive Presidential elections by just thousands or even by just a few hundreds of votes.

meself, as for the thread title -- note that it has a "?" in it -- it's hard to convey the gist of a thread when there's hardly room for anything more than a name (e.g., "GA Sen Chambliss").   I didn't want to simply use "GA Sen Chambliss video," because there are so many of them out there.   If Joe O or someone else with editing magic wants to change the title, it's fine with me, but I do think the current title gives people a clear idea of what video it's about.