The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116631   Message #2506892
Posted By: bobad
03-Dec-08 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wild Canadian Politics
Subject: RE: BS: Wild Canadian Politics
The following is a letter that was sent to the Governor General by one of our members. I am sending off one of my own to add my voice to the sentiments expressed therein. If anyone wishes to do the same the GG's email address is: The correct way to address her is:
Her Excellency
the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General of Canada

Dear Excellency,

I am a graduate student in Kingston, and I am writing to you today
because I am worried about the current state of democracy in Canada. I
support the plans for a Liberal / NDP / Bloc coalition. I am not, to
use Mr. Harper's words "Un-Canadian", and I am certainly not afraid
that including the Bloc threatens Canadian soverignty. Indeed, I
resent the suggestion that Quebec is not somehow part of Canada, and
that the Québécois have a dangerous and separate agenda. We are all in
this economic crisis together, and I beleive Mr. Duceppe, as in
intelligent man, understands this. The Bloc Québécois serve a vital
need in our parliamentary system. They have every right to be included
in the coalition.

Another worrisome issue, perhaps more so than the Bloc, is Mr.
Harper's "strategy" should your Excellency allow him to prorogue
parliament. Please don't allow him to spend the holiday season gearing
up his propaganda machine, which is designed to frighten Canadians
with the spectre of a "socialist coup" and a "separatist agenda". How
is spending time getting Canadians riled up and polarized good for our
country? Right now Canadians need real solutions, and real
representation, not attack ads and scaremongering. Stephen Harper is
too concerned with protecting his own ego and his own right-wing
interests to fight for what ALL Canadians need right now, which is
stability and sound economic policies.

The majority of Canadians voted against Harper last October. That
their votes were split between four parties should not necessarily
mean that the ONE party representing the right gets to dictate the
future of our nation in this time of uncertainty. As an educated,
informed citizen of Canada, I implore you to take a stand against Mr.
Harper's fear-mongering and strategies of divison. Giving the
Conservatives time to bombard us all with vitriolic soundbites serves
nothing but the short-term interests of a rogue government clinging
desperately to power. Give the coalition an opportunity to govern
means giving all Canadians a fighting chance to implement real,
meaningful change. In the end, I think that's what 62% of us voted for
in October. It's time.

Stephanie Jowett