The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116573   Message #2507174
Posted By: Barry Finn
03-Dec-08 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Subject: RE: Sarah Palin in Coronation Street
Even if she could see Russia from her back door to admit it was stupid

To have said the Catie Curtis "I'll get back to later on that" after all the lip service she did give was stupid

To have invoked God's endorsmnet of the US winning in Iraq was stupid

She was not only underinformed, she was arrogrant about those with intellegience, that's pretty stupid

"She only sounds stupid because we've been taught to think that rural American colloquial speech is stupid."

Where did you get your education from Rig? Before you speak for the rest of us become informed yourself

"If she'd been through Harvard's electro-shock-speech-therapy in order to sound like every other candidate, we probably would not think of her as stupid."

Again Rig speak for yourself when sounding stupid don't bring "WE" into your statements, it obivious that you are not in the majority.
