The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22279   Message #250745
Posted By: Mick Lowe
02-Jul-00 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: English Tradition, part two
Subject: RE: English Tradition, part two
First off apologies called for.. i.e. I got booted off whilst composing my last diatribe and since have lost what ever thread I may have been clinging to..

But having browsed through subsequent additions I am going to forget all you one liners and somewhat .. and was going to revert to some coarse analogy.. but I think this thread deserves better..
Instead I shall say this.. both Liz and Malcolm I should be more than interested to hear about all your experiences regarding Morris music/dancing and for that matter as this thread set up as "The English Tradition"..

If you'd care to email me your thoughts/opinions on anything to do with "English Traditional Music and Soing".. then please do so at

Though I should warn you one of these days I will get around to writing a book on the importance of "folk" music.. and yes I shall readily acknowledge my sources.....
In the meantime we should all look to preserving our heritage through song and music.. no matter where we come from.. or whatever beliefs we hold...
