The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116704   Message #2507672
Posted By: Rapparee
04-Dec-08 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Subject: RE: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
We have had one instance where a 10-year-old was threatened with a knife (by an 18 year old) and an attempt made to push him back into the "Boys' Room". The 18 year old had been ordered previously by the Juvenile Court to stay away from children; he's now serving 5 years fixed and 10 indeterminate (parole possible after five years). This cost the Library about US $20K in security cameras (which have also provided evidence of battery against a child and purse theft and cleared another person of the charge of purse theft).

Parents SHOULD watch their kids, but they don't. Public libraries are felt to be "safe places" for children, even though librarians know this is not necessarily the case.

Idaho, like other states, maintains an on-line register of those who have been convicted of sexual crimes against youth. Whether I approve of this or not is immaterial, it is and it's on the WWW if you want to look at it.

Those on the register can, after a time, petition the courts to have their name expunged. Let's face it -- an 18 year old guy caught in the act with his 17 year old girlfriend is technically guilty of statutory rape but the chances are that both of them consented. On the other hand, a 34 year old who sexually assaults a 6 year old is guilty of a lot more than statutory rape.

(For those who are worried about privacy -- the public library is a public place and as such you have, per the US courts, little or no expectation of privacy. I could, but don't, see the history of every website visited. I could, but wouldn't, find out every book you've read and lemme tell you, you have LOUSY taste in reading.)