The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116704   Message #2508285
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Dec-08 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Subject: RE: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Pedophiles are some of the criminals least likely to be "reformed" through incarceration or various attempts at treatment, even castration. It is an addiction.

There are too many parents out there who simply aren't paying attention. I stopped going to the more popular pool at an apartment complex we lived for a couple of years because I found myself playing lifeguard while all of these young irresponsible parents were off partying with their friends, ignoring their kids in the pool. I was there with maybe one or two others watching the pool and occasionally pulling someone out. I was glad to be able to rescue a child, but it meant I couldn't relax with my children alone and enjoy their company.

Same goes for people in grocery stores who can't manage to use the seat belt on their kids in carts, and people who don't buckle their kids in when the car is moving. When the library is your domain (unlike someone else's car or the public grocery store) and the public could (correctly or not) presume you have a level of culpability if something does happen to a child, then I think you are at least entitled to attempt to protect the youthful users whose parents aren't that diligent, or the kids who have managed to slip away from their parents.