The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22684   Message #250839
Posted By: reggie miles
02-Jul-00 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome kwsawman
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome kwsawman
Art, a friend of mine got me that book. It's a great overview of the art of bending blades with lots of folks' stories about their experiences. There's even a whole page of discography if you'd care to listen to what others are up to with their saws. I sent Jim a note to see if I could coax some secrets out of him about how he attained that speed he's so know for. I've been in contact with Mary Kay too and have directed at least a hundred folks her way who were interested in saw playing after seeing my performances with the unruly steel. She mentioned that they haven't made a 30" blade since the 70's. Mary Kay also imports the Sandvik and offers it for sale. It cost no more than her 28". I feel a bit like Johnny Apple Seed spreading this info hither and yon and hope that some day a good crop of saw players may spring up in the neighborhood. Hey maybe I should change my name to Johnny Apple Saws. I hope to start a saw-band, (or would that be band-o'-saw?), one of these days with some of those same folks. Till then I'll continue to sawlo with friends or as the lone sawyer.

Art, did you ever get your saw work recorded?

I hope to get something done this year if all goes well.

saw ya later, Reg