The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116704   Message #2508444
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
05-Dec-08 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Subject: RE: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Richard, if anyone harmed my children, or killed one of them, I'd have no qualms about taking the law into my own hands.

I am gentle in all other walks of my life, to the extreme, but compassion does not exist in me for people who hurt children, who prey on them, abuse them, sexually assault them beyond belief, rape them etc..etc....

Far from believing this weird outlook that our children are at no greater risk than they've ever been, I believe the exact opposite. Never before have paedeophiles been able to link up with each other, as they can now on the internet. Never before has their been the 'market' for photos of abused children, videos of them actually being abused, so that these people can sit in their own homes doing what they do, loving every second of the sickness and suffering they see in front of them. Never before has meeting up with kids become so easy, via Myspace or Facebook or other sites. Never before have our children been so sexualised, so early in life. And never before has society stepped back and let it all happen.

Corporate Paedeophilia arrived with the internet and all their businesses are now linked up with each other, right around the world.

Yes, all parents must be vigilant. Yes, our children don't have the freedom they once did, and part of that is because of how society has relaxed the rules and favoured the perpertrators with sympathy, rather than the victims.

IF paedophiles knew that they'd be named and shamed, have nowhere to hide, no chance of 'new life' with police protection etc, but would be hounded out, wherever they went, then perhaps it might, just might put a few of them off in the first place.

On Dartmoor, where I used to live, the convicted paedeophile in our village, a young man, had his bungalow burnt out by the 'locals', whilst he was residing in prison for abusing some of their young boys. He never returned to the village.

My daughter was taught by a man who had a camera positioned in his classroom, so that when he called girls over, asked them to reach up and get something off the shelf, the camera took shots up their skirts. He then put those photos on the internet. One of the other teachers knew this was happening, but chose to talk to his colleague privately, rather than go to the police. ((???)) He was eventually caught...and is under suicide watch these days in prison. He's always been 'attracted' to young girls, all his life, and school was the obvious place for him to end up, sadly. He'd tried to get help, apparently, but chose to stay working in schools, rather than take himself off somewhere where he couldn't be 'tempted'

His choice.

And tell me, if he had gone somewhere for help, then why the hell was he allowed to remain as a teacher????? And the kids concerned, well...they grew up pretty darn quick, when the truth came out. Learnt not to trust people, to look at everyone with 'new' eyes. How damn sad is that?

It's not the librarians who should be left with the job of monitoring dodgy people, particularly those who are convicted.   It's up to the legal people, and society itself,to ensure that public places are as safe as they can be.