The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116704   Message #2508516
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
05-Dec-08 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Subject: RE: BS: Pedophiles In Public Libraries
Yes, I believe what I stated above, that our children have never been under more of a threat than they presently are. No, I do not believe that paedeophiles should be at loose in the community. Yes I believe that if they are loose, then the community should know who they are and where they are.

No, the man did not return to the village. The house was re-built, then put up for sale and sold, so I presume he got a nice amount for it, as it was a lovely bungalow, beside the river. It affected the sweet lady who used to own it before him, quite badly too, as she'd loved that house, and all had been tainted for her.

When they are 'sitting at home' staring at the internet, watching these videos, salivating over the photos, (and far more) they are creating the very market which is causing immense suffering beyond our wildest nightmares, to so many children around the world. Yes, I believe that the crime of them creating the very market they so love, is as bad as the men/women who actually go out and do what they do phsyically. Ask the policeman, the investigators, who have to sit through these terrible videos. See what they think, how they feel, what they would like to see happen to these people.

It has been in society for a very long time, probably since time began, but I truly believe that it's now more dangerous, more evil and more on the increase than ever before. If you saturate a society with sex, especially some damned dodgy stuff, create children who know how to pole dance, move their bodies in 'a sex industry way' from the age of 5 upwards, as they watch The Pussycat Dolls, or play with their Bratz dolls, then you are creating a society that sees less and less wrong with children being sexualised. It's only a very short step from there, to gooness knows where and we are several steps down that road already. We can, however, re-trace those steps.
There are some crimes which are forgivable, particularly if there is genuine sorrow and contrition. But there are others which can never be forgiven, in my book at least. Paedophilia is one of them.

I know, having lost two little souls, part of the utter desperation that goes with losing a child. It tears you apart, in the most unimaginable way, and unless you have lived through that, you cannot even begin to understand where you 'go'. To lose a child through accident or natural causes is even worse, because then, you have not only felt that child move inside you, felt it grow, as I did, but for many years, you have held them in your arms, loved them intensely, bonded with them, become part of them, and they part of you. You are left bereft and inconsolable. But to have a child emotionally, and perhaps physically, scarred for life, or to have lost a child entirely, because of a paedeophile's 'needs', is beyond any other torture in life that I can imagine, other than never knowing what exactly has happened to your child, because some of these bastards have abducted them to use as the latest 'stars' in their sick film industry, to feed this 'market' and grow rich from.

As I said, my compassion is with the children and their families, never with those who make, then take the decision to step over that line and harm them, either by doing it physically themselves, or helping to create the child pornography market they get so many thrills from.