The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101488   Message #2509403
Posted By: GUEST,SW12
06-Dec-08 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peace in Ireland?
Subject: RE: BS: Peace in Ireland?
I think this is about as low as a person can go.

Keith was beat fair and square by a respected vistor to this site a chappie called Oakville. Keith was advised by a jolly good bunch of chaps to give consideration to accepting defeat in a particular debate. No such luck, cheeky Keith took on the unsportsmanly role of letting on he was this Oakville chap and and began to write posts under his name. Pretty bad show I say. I see it hasn't been the first time Keith has done this. Pretty darn low I'd say, pretty darn low.

Subject: RE: BS: Britain and Germany rule the waves !
From: GUEST,Oakville
Date: 01 Sep 08 - 05:18 PM

Keith, I have found no bigotry or slurs in your posts.
I take it back.
I am ashamed.

      This message appears to have been posted by Keith A of Hertford. That's not allowed, Keith - and you damn well know it.
      -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-