The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116816   Message #2511131
Posted By: Genie
09-Dec-08 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Subject: RE: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Bobert's right.
Blagojevich's actions are reprehensible (I'd add, "if only for the chutzpah of saying the things he said on the PHONE - AFTER Congress authorized Dubya's administration to tap everyone's phone lines without probable cause"), but they pale in comparison to the treasonous actions of that same administration.

Where's the outrage over the way the Bush administration has trashed the Constitution and trampled over citizens' rights and human rights in general?

Oh, and IMO one of the worst things about this breaking political scandal is that it has grabbed our quite unnecessarily tunnel-vision "news cycle," thus diverting attention from the workers' justified sit-inover Bank of America refusing to lend Republic Windows and Doors so they could pay severance and accrued pay to the workers before closing their doors.

The Illinois governor's actions are criminal and the story's a juicy one, but we really do have other matters of greater significance to the vast majority of people, and I hate to see those issues shoved out of public focus by preoccupation with political scandal.