The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116816   Message #2511168
Posted By: Genie
09-Dec-08 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Subject: RE: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Actually, GUEST (who really should use some sort of name),
It's beginning to look like Obama's chief-of-staff designe, Rahm Emmanuel, may have been the one who tipped off the Justice Dept, and it may have been precisely BECAUSE Blagojevich tried to get a tit-for-tat re Obama's preferred replacement and Blagojevich was far from gracious when Obama refused to play ball.

Again, though, where was all the outrage when the Bush administration handed out federal govt. jobs, e.g., in the Justice Dept. -- jobs that are not supposed to be patronage jobs -- to political backers and cronies and fired qualified, competent workers in those depts. just for being Democrats?