The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116816   Message #2511379
Posted By: Genie
10-Dec-08 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Subject: RE: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
dick greenhaus - PM
Date: 09 Dec 08 - 06:07 PM

I guess it's reassuring to see that, as far as corruption goes, there's no partisan politics. Crooks on both side of the aisle.

John in Kansas, I never said Bloggie was wiretapped without a warrant. I was just saying that since we know the Bushies don't NEED a warrant, it's DOUBLY stupid to invite your opponents or the authorities to listen in on your communications.

And, yes, I too regret that we " couldn't get to Cheney."

pdq: "All wiretaps in the past 8 years have been properly approved, as far as most people say. That cannot be said of of the previous 8 years."
Oh, really? As I understand it, current policy allows the Bush Justice Dept. to intercept snail mail, email, and phone calls WITHOUT authorization by a FISA court either before OR afterwards.

Bobert: "But nevermind the fact that Bush and his buddy Gonzalez fired federal prosecutors who wouldn't hang in there for 4 years, 11 months and 2 weeks to try to dig somethin' up on a Democrat."
Hey, Beau Bear, I think ya may be onto sump'n!

And yer right about this:
"They sick... So when I hear a federal prosecutor damning the entire state of Illinois it really pisses me off...

And it should everyone else who has had enough of Karl Rove."
