The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116748   Message #2511435
Posted By: MoorleyMan
10-Dec-08 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: Black Swan FC, York-temp. venue change
Subject: RE: Black Swan FC, York-temp. venue change
Yes Greycap, I tend to agree, and I think you have a very good point there my friend.
But please let's move that very salient discussion to another thread and keep this one for news on the Black Swan.

Roland is no doubt beavering away as we speak, in his own inimitable fashion, to ensure the club has a future. He does a truly magnificent job.

The latest info I have is that the next two scheduled club nights (11th and 18th) will both be held at the Winning Post. (The club is closed on 25th and Jan 1st of course, so there's a little breathing space...) Keep your eyes on the club website for any further news.