The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4587   Message #25116
Posted By: Jerry Friedman
04-Apr-98 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: Who Is Steve Goodman? (1948-1984)
Subject: RE: Who Is Steve Goodman?
I did a Forum Search with "Goodman" in the Body box and "Thieme" in the Username box. One of the four results was this:

Steve Goodman was a grand fellow. We were all (mostly)Cub fans. When I was a kid we'd go to Wrigley Field after school. The gate were opened in the 7th inning to let folks out (nobody ever stayed to the end 'cause the Cubs never won). We'd just walk in & watch the rest of the game FREE and we would hope for an extra inning game. After the game we'd get a gunny sack from a guy and walk from left field to right field picking up trash and lifting the seats. That would get us a grandstand pass for the next game. After we were finished it was time for the players to come out at get on the bus. We'd hold autograph books up to the windows & get the signatures FREE back in the 50s...I had Duke Snider and Roy Campanella 3 times each--not to mention the entire Brooklyn team. When we finished with the visiting team we'd go to the Cubs side and get the stragglers. No hurry for the Cubs; we could ALWAYS get them. Wish I knew where those autograph books went!!! No, to Stevie! Me and my wife, Carol, were walking home one day. Carol was 8 months pregnant. A 2-seater car pulled up and it was Steve. He gave Carol a ride home and by the time I got there the coffee was brewed and the guitars were out. That was the first time he told us that he'd been diagnosed with his disease. He had just come back from the Sloan-Kettering Center & tratments. We were devastated. But the illness went into remission for the next l5 years. It always seemed like Steve was gonna beat it. And that's why it came as such a damn shock when I was on tour somewhere and heard from a motel room TV that he had died. My son, Chris, is 27 now. (He was born 2 months after Steve and me & Carol had coffee that morning.) And Carol and I were at a Cubs game WHEN SHE WENT INTO LABOR!! We walked home--over a mile. Cris was born a day later. Long labor! But as I write this I can see it like it was this morning. Yes, Chicago had a wondrous folk scene then; different now but still quite wonderful folks! Art Thieme