The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116745   Message #2511766
Posted By: gnomad
10-Dec-08 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: Odd Amazon suggestions
Subject: RE: Odd Amazon suggestions
My main gripe is their bland assumption that because you own book A by Joe Bloggs, you will not only want all JB's other works (fair enough idea) but you will also want every other edition of book A, the book you already own.

Because I once bought a memory card from them they offer as suggestions innumerable different cameras, and mp3 players. Understandable at one level I suppose, but I am sure most folks don't first buy memory cards then look for a way to use them.

I did enjoy the idea that having admitted to owning a blue netbook I would therefore want the same model in white as well.

Their latest oddity is "A Question of Upbringing" (volume 1 of 12 in Anthony Powell's opus "Dance to the Music of Time") as the obvious companion to a CD compilation "Never The Same - Leave-taking from the British Folk Revival".

They also think I will be interested in a tome called "Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness" because my wishlist includes Bob Copper's "A Song for Every Season: 100 Years in the Life of a Sussex Farming Family" just in case Amazon has any effect on whether it ever gets reprinted.

Some of these connections baffle me (particularly the last two) and I wonder whether they sometimes simply work from combinations of purchases made by other customers. To be fair they do come up with a good number of quite sound suggestions too, maybe they have rumbled me, and realize I will only go on browsing while they go on making daft suggestions.