The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116816   Message #2511938
Posted By: Bobert
10-Dec-08 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Subject: RE: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
I guess that no one else finds it the slight bit curious that this guy has been under investigation for, what, 4 years and it's only stuff that he's done very recently that brought charges against him???

I'd be willing to bet that every Democratic governor has also been under investigation for the last 4 years...

Yeah, the Repubs hate to lose and they don't do it very well... This was their early Christmas present but I don't think they are finished with the mischief yet...

I mean, lets get real... This is exactly what they did with Bill Clinton, too... Investigate, invetsigate and investigate and if it weren't for some boneheaded things on his part the Repubs would have come up empty...

With all the real crime that is out there I find it incrdulous that taxpayers money was being spent month and month after month after month adding up to well over 3 years of investigating without someone sayin', "Hey, ain't nuthin' here" and shut doen the investigation...
