The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116860   Message #2512105
Posted By: romany man
10-Dec-08 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: crayford arms 2009
Subject: crayford arms 2009
Well following the first folk day at crayford arms, another is on the cards for april 26th i think . Its gonna be a beer festival proper, with as much singing dancing and joviality as you can muster, it will be a st georges day theme, with roast beef and yorkshire puds, for the folks as turn up, beers at present unknown, but shep neame said that they will provide more this time, so put your drinkin heads on.
its hoped you morris sides out there will be turning up as crayford (home of the gongscourers) is fast becoming so morris friendly, Seamus says hes coming just for the beer, the ferrets are already planning another sing around, so come on put it in your diaries and come make it better than last time,