The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116323   Message #2512605
Posted By: Ebbie
11-Dec-08 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Subject: RE: BS: Bail ***THIS*** Out!!!....
Interesting article, indeed. However, to my mind, there is not only hysteria in it but histrionics.

For instance, he's got this wrong:

"Then the lack of credit and the lack of cash caused business to become unable to pay their employees, and by late 1931, people who had been prosperous, who were not in debt, who had saved and worked hard, were suddenly destitute. Nice, conservative middle-class families ended up living in shanty towns or riding the rails. In vast numbers. These shanty towns became known as 'Hoovervilles' as they were a direct result of President Hoover's failure to effectively deal with the catastrophe." Whitley Strieber, from the link

'Shanty towns', 'Hoovervilles', were not a widespread phenomenon but in Washington DC alone where war veterans had marched upon the government, demanding that they be paid the money now that they had been promised.

And I have NEVER heard of entire families, let alone "nice, conservative, middle-class families" living in the hoovervilles, never mind "riding the rails".

sheesh They would not have survived a week.

Question: What happens, in Strieber's scenario, to the empty houses that have been foreclosed? Does he mean to tell us that people, families, will be cast out upon the streets while these properties are boarded up?

Not likely. Not likely, at all. In today's world I have no doubt at all that these dispossessed folks would grab the first abandoned home they found and move in.

I would be among them.