The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10783   Message #25127
Posted By: Barry Finn
04-Apr-98 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Way Down in Shawneetown (Dillon Bustin)
Subject: Lyr Add: SHAWNEETOWN
Somes rows up, we flowed down
Way down the Ohio to Shawneetown

Haul on the beach oar, she moves to slow
Way down to Shawneetown on the Ohio

There's corn in crib, boys, grain in the sack
Float on down to New Orleans & bushwack her back

I've got a gal in Louisville, a wife in New Orleans
When I get to Shawneetown I'll see my Indian Queen

The water is cold boys, the air is thick & dank
The fog it's so god damned thick I cannot see the bank

I got down Sandy & Caroline Paton as a source. Barry